What is self-care to you? Some may: retail -therapy, have a glass of wine or go on a vacation. Self-care to each person looks different and is done differently. Self-care to me is reflecting on my self mentally, physically and emotionally. Sunday's is the day i designated to check out of the world and refocus my mental health for the week. Mentally I delete any negative energy that has been brought in my space by doing a writing exercise of self healing, which consist of: positive affirmations and writing how the week went(Journaling). I have two different books, one is filled with only positive thoughts and the other is filled with stinking & negative thoughts; with two different pens. I have a time set aside to talk with my ancestors during mantra & mediation. Then my spouse and I have a grounding session where we soak our feet in a bath salt during mediation and set our intentions for the week. There are many things that can be done to take care of your self. You have to find what works for you; that cause no stress and give you time to reflect on you mentally. Here are a few more examples list below
listening to music (mantra, guided mediation, musical)
Sitting at the park/By Water(Grounding)